Thursday, March 27, 2008
Akum sumer n afternoon......Please be inform that I only take new orders starts this 3rd April onwards.....kindly be informed....
Monday, March 24, 2008
CC 4
Friday, March 21, 2008
Salam all....malam ni nak update cuppies untuk ada last minute punya changes....huhu kelam kabut aku dibuatnya.....but still managed siapkan cuppies ni....hah 4 pagi br titun.....midnite baker la katakan.......actually by the time gambar ni diupdatekan tuan pengorder lom tengokss lagi..huhu....request nak kaler gold....jenuh gak nk buat nih.....hmmm kaler gold ni kira cam cabaran gak buat aku yang masih amatur ni hehe.....nampak cam kaler kuningponn ada.....kek dalam tu...cappucino...anyway,thanx eja for the order....hope u like it......

next time leh order lagi ye....hehe

next time leh order lagi ye....hehe
Tuesday, March 18, 2008
What Raja Balqis Means |
![]() You are wild, crazy, and a huge rebel. You're always up to something. You have a ton of energy, and most people can't handle you. You're very intense. You definitely are a handful, and you're likely to get in trouble. But your kind of trouble is a lot of fun. You are usually the best at everything ... you strive for perfection. You are confident, authoritative, and aggressive. You have the classic "Type A" personality. You are fair, honest, and logical. You are a natural leader, and people respect you. You never give up, and you will succeed... even if it takes you a hundred tries. You are rational enough to see every part of a problem. You are great at giving other people advice. You are full of energy. You are spirited and boisterous. You are bold and daring. You are willing to do some pretty outrageous things. Your high energy sometimes gets you in trouble. You can have a pretty bad temper at times. You are relaxed, chill, and very likely to go with the flow. You are light hearted and accepting. You don't get worked up easily. Well adjusted and incredibly happy, many people wonder what your secret to life is. People see you as a complete enigma, and only you truly understand who you are. You spend most of your time introspecting and seeking truth. You're a very interesting person... but not many people know you enough to realize it. You tend to be pretty tightly wound. It's easy to get you excited... which can be a good or bad thing. You have a lot of enthusiasm, but it fades rather quickly. You don't stick with any one thing for very long. You have the drive to accomplish a lot in a short amount of time. Your biggest problem is making sure you finish the projects you start. You are the total package - suave, sexy, smart, and strong. You have the whole world under your spell, and you can influence almost everyone you know. You don't always resist your urges to crush the weak. Just remember, they don't have as much going for them as you do. |
Welcome welcome.....nampaknya blehla diisytiharkan hari coklat sedunia.....coklat againnnnn!!!!!ari ni kita makan brownies yang dicurahkan coklat topping n ditaburi walnut .....nampak sedap tak?

ha ......perasan tak watermark ku kat bawahhh...hehe...tu saja nak tunjukkkk coklat yang meleleh leleh tuuu kasik terliuqqq sikit...haha.......kalo nak order jangan segan2 call ke sms ke tinggal je message anda kat shoutbox tu punnnn blehhhh.....ingat nama ni ye.....

ha ......perasan tak watermark ku kat bawahhh...hehe...tu saja nak tunjukkkk coklat yang meleleh leleh tuuu kasik terliuqqq sikit...haha.......kalo nak order jangan segan2 call ke sms ke tinggal je message anda kat shoutbox tu punnnn blehhhh.....ingat nama ni ye.....
ENTRY kali ni....coklat sume utk makan sndiri ni...i'mma choc lovers hehe....x jadik dah diet aku...huhu....vanilla cupcake yang dicurahkan chocolate bukan buttercream ye....coklattttssssss lom mekap lagi nihhh....
ni bila dah mekap sikit.....sikit je kecik2 tu aku buat sndiri tau....pakai gumpaste....ha sapa2 nk order cam ni pun x la camni utk aku makan sndiri pnya...customer pnya lawa la lagi hehe.....
jemput makan!!!!

Monday, March 17, 2008
Hai all.....soriii no entry regarding cakes and whatsoever.....i'll be back after my migraine had gone away.....jngan jemu visiting my blog okay!! muahhhhhssss bye guys!
Wednesday, March 12, 2008
bulan ni asik ujan jer....huhu biasa laa ...bila jauh mmg rindu wehhh..huhu layanler lagu biasa...lirik dari
"We Belong Together"-Mariah Carey
I didn't mean it
When I said I didn't love you so
I should have held on tight
I never should've let you go
I didn't know nothing
I was stupid
I was foolish
I was lying to myself
I couldn't have fathomed that I would ever
Be without your love
Never imagined I'd be
Sitting here beside myself
'Guess I didn't know you
'Guess I didn't know me
But I thought I knew everything
I never felt
The feeling that I'm feeling
Now that I don't
Hear your voice
Or have your touch and kiss your lips
'Cause I don't have a choice
Oh, what I wouldn't give
To have you lying by my side
Right here, 'cause baby
When you left
I lost a part of me
It's still so hard to believe
Come back baby please, 'cause
We belong together
Who else am I gonna lean on
When times get rough?
Who's gonna talk to me on the phone
Till the sun comes up?
Who's gonna take your place?
There ain't nobody better
Oh baby, baby
We belong together
I can't sleep at night
When you are on my mind
Bobby Womack's on the radio
Singing to me
'If you think you're lonely now'
Wait a minute
This is too deep, too deep
I gotta change the station
So I turn the dial
Trying to catch a break
And then I hear Babyface
I only think of you
And it's breaking my heart
I'm trying to keep it together
But I'm falling apart
I'm feeling all out of my element
I'm throwing things
Trying to figure out
Where the hell I went wrong
The pain reflected in this song
Ain't even half of what
I'm feeling inside
I need you
Need you back in my life (in my life, in my life), baby
[Repeat chorus]
When you left
I lost a part of me
It's still so hard to believe
Come back, baby, please, 'cause
We belong together
Who am I gonna lean on
When times get rough?
Who's gonna talk to me
Till the sun comes up?
Who's gonna take your place?
There ain't nobody better.
Oh baby, baby
We belong together
I didn't mean it
When I said I didn't love you so
I should have held on tight
I never should've let you go
I didn't know nothing
I was stupid
I was foolish
I was lying to myself
I couldn't have fathomed that I would ever
Be without your love
Never imagined I'd be
Sitting here beside myself
'Guess I didn't know you
'Guess I didn't know me
But I thought I knew everything
I never felt
The feeling that I'm feeling
Now that I don't
Hear your voice
Or have your touch and kiss your lips
'Cause I don't have a choice
Oh, what I wouldn't give
To have you lying by my side
Right here, 'cause baby
When you left
I lost a part of me
It's still so hard to believe
Come back baby please, 'cause
We belong together
Who else am I gonna lean on
When times get rough?
Who's gonna talk to me on the phone
Till the sun comes up?
Who's gonna take your place?
There ain't nobody better
Oh baby, baby
We belong together
I can't sleep at night
When you are on my mind
Bobby Womack's on the radio
Singing to me
'If you think you're lonely now'
Wait a minute
This is too deep, too deep
I gotta change the station
So I turn the dial
Trying to catch a break
And then I hear Babyface
I only think of you
And it's breaking my heart
I'm trying to keep it together
But I'm falling apart
I'm feeling all out of my element
I'm throwing things
Trying to figure out
Where the hell I went wrong
The pain reflected in this song
Ain't even half of what
I'm feeling inside
I need you
Need you back in my life (in my life, in my life), baby
[Repeat chorus]
When you left
I lost a part of me
It's still so hard to believe
Come back, baby, please, 'cause
We belong together
Who am I gonna lean on
When times get rough?
Who's gonna talk to me
Till the sun comes up?
Who's gonna take your place?
There ain't nobody better.
Oh baby, baby
We belong together
Vanilla BUtter Cake with Chocolate Cream
hari bosannnn je....apa mende nk buat ponnn malas.....tapi dah lama x buat kek untuk diri sendiri....hehe....nk makan sendiri ponnn nk hias gak.....dalam kek butter vanilla kek ....tgh2 dia buh coklat buttercreammm umphhhh yummy.....yg atas tu bunga fondant....tu beli je hehe...yg putar2 kat atas tu pun coklat gak sama cam kat dalam.....haaa dah siap deko...then baru makannnn.....jemput sumer!!!!!!

Tuesday, March 11, 2008
Saturday, March 8, 2008
Salam alll...huhu ari ni sume rakyat mesia kena p mengundi....aku dari awal2 tadi nk mengundi tp dah sibuk buat kuih la then bila tiba time nk mengundi...ujan lebats la pulakkkk.....aku pun badan dah letih2 haaa apa lagi.....zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz......tiba-tiba aku terjaga dari tido.....alamak!!!! dah 4.30ptg nihhh....umah aku dgn tmpat mengundi adala dalam 7km.......alamak camne ni....mula2 cam malas nk p....tapi cehhhh mestila nk jalankan tanggungjawab sebagai rakyat mesia regardless la parti mana yang menang kan.....haah aku pun bwkla keta camm org gile.....huhu....dah nk dekat smpai tempat mengundi silap masuk kawasan la plak....kawasan umah cikgu2 padahal tempat tu kat belakang kawasan dia....jenuhlaa aku patah balik.... bawakkk keta terus masuk kawasan check nama...derang nampak aku kat sana..."haaa dah undi ke belum??? meh nak check ic apa sume....pehtu derang kata ha lekas2 tinggal 3 minit je lagi........ha siap polis tunjuk tempat lagi....huhu smpai je dalam bilik mengundi....."ha dia ni org last mengundi ni, kata tukang yg cek ic aku dalam bilik undi",.....haa aku dapat je terus...undila.....then submit kertas tu kat box tu kan.....ha siap je sume....derang siap tepuk tangan lagi....huhu lega lega.......tertunai ler tanggungjawab aku sbg malaysian citizen ari ni.....THANKS U ALLL!
Wednesday, March 5, 2008
Hari ini aku dapat award dari sue aqish blog.....uwaaaaaaaaaa!!!...terharu rasanya bila terima award friendship nih eventhough usia persahabatan kami masih awal lagi.....anyway....thanks sue for the u babe!!.......
Tuesday, March 4, 2008
Song that i loves to hear when my other half is away.......
Hiding from the rain and snow
Trying to forget but I won't let go
Looking at a crowded street
Listening to my own heart beat
So many people all around the world
Tell me where do I find someone like you girl
Take me to your heart take me to your soul
Give me your hand before I'm old
Show me what love is - haven't got a clue
Show me that wonders can be true
They say nothing lasts forever
We're only here today
Love is now or never
Bring me far away
Take me to your heart take me to your soul
Give me your hand and hold me
Show me what love is - be my guiding star
It's easy take me to your heart
Standing on a mountain high
Looking at the moon through a clear blue sky
I should go and see some friends
But they don't really comprehend
Don't need too much talking without saying anything
All I need is someone who makes me wanna sing
this lyric from
Trying to forget but I won't let go
Looking at a crowded street
Listening to my own heart beat
So many people all around the world
Tell me where do I find someone like you girl
Take me to your heart take me to your soul
Give me your hand before I'm old
Show me what love is - haven't got a clue
Show me that wonders can be true
They say nothing lasts forever
We're only here today
Love is now or never
Bring me far away
Take me to your heart take me to your soul
Give me your hand and hold me
Show me what love is - be my guiding star
It's easy take me to your heart
Standing on a mountain high
Looking at the moon through a clear blue sky
I should go and see some friends
But they don't really comprehend
Don't need too much talking without saying anything
All I need is someone who makes me wanna sing
this lyric from
Salam alll....before i go to sleep tonite....mehla jamu mata dengan pic ni...seketul je ni......sedap2 hehe.....kek....vanilla....frosting chocolate buttercreamm.....yummy yummy....
and now i can go to sleep remembering the taste of vanilla cupcake with delicious chocolate buttercream in my mind.......sweet dreams everyone!
dah memalam ni.....the little angel sudah titun....baru sonang mau wat keje.....last week ada order dari hotel seri malaysia tapi sebab kejar masa so tak sempat nak amik gambar jadi saya pun duplicate la wat lebih kurang cam untuk hotel tu......patutnya ada kaler oren tapi ada masalah teknikal sikit so saya display yang kaler biru cam biasa inspired by derang ni lelawa...huhu cam saya ni amatur layan je la ek.... kalo rasa nk p bercuti tuuu haa ingat ingatla kek ni insyaallah smapi ke destinasi tu walaupun x p sana hhehhehe.......

CC 3
cupcakes yang ini .....inspired by sue aqish's blog.....sebab dah xde idea so lukis cam ni pun dah ok dah hehe...kek dalam...strawberry.......
yang ini....tah...rasanya main hentam je hhuhu.....kek sama gak.....

yang ini plak dah siap casing ni....kita deco bunga saja..haa ingat sapa yg deco bunga ni....tak lain tak bukan hubby ku yang tersayang hehhehe.......

okey....layannn je pic ni.......

okey....layannn je pic ni.......
Salam all....entry hari ni....carrot cupcakes with cream cheese icing ( bahasa melayunya kek cawan lobak merah dengan aising krim keju)..... nampak lagi menarik kan dari entry sebelum ni.....yang dulu tu pakai aising kacang....yang ni yang paling sesuai dengan dia.... memang kalu makan insyaallah tak mengecewakan......
so....kalau sapa2 yang berminat nk order bleh order via email,sms, or call sahaja tp di nasihatkan email la kalo bleh.....kek ini datang dalam pakej:9pcs, 16pcs & 25 pcs....
penghantaran terus ke depan pintu rumah anda kalau dalam area taiping lah....kalau area ipoh or selain dari tu pun boleh tetapi dengan harga penghantaran yang berpatutan......

maka, jangan tunggu lagi....order lah sekarang........sila email atau sms untuk sebarang pertanyaan...

penghantaran terus ke depan pintu rumah anda kalau dalam area taiping lah....kalau area ipoh or selain dari tu pun boleh tetapi dengan harga penghantaran yang berpatutan......

maka, jangan tunggu lagi....order lah sekarang........sila email atau sms untuk sebarang pertanyaan...
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